August 7, 2023

Why Lowering the Risk of Heart Disease is Crucial

As medical costs continue to rise, it is increasingly unrealistic for the current generation of workers to handle additional expenses on top of their existing living costs. Given that these workers already struggle to make ends meet due to the rising cost of living, including healthcare expenses, they will be unable to afford the medical costs associated with major health issues like heart disease.

While it is always important to encourage our patients to lead healthy lifestyles and make choices that optimize their overall well-being, it has become even more crucial in light of the unaffordability of medical expenses for today’s workers.

By promoting healthy lifestyle choices and early detection of health issues, we can collectively decrease the cost of heart disease care for both the healthcare system and individuals.

Heart disease is an expensive health condition

Let’s take a closer look at the expenses associated with heart disease and the impact it has on both patients and the healthcare system. It is widely acknowledged that quality healthcare services in any cardiovascular health clinic can come at a steep price, but let’s delve into the actual figures. A study by the International Journal of Cardiology sheds light on the financial burden faced by patients seeking treatment for heart disease and its overall cost to our healthcare system.

According to this study, a staggering 2,645,336 patients diagnosed with primary heart failure had to bear a cumulative expense of $13,807. Patients who experienced readmission within 30 days were charged even more, with costs reaching $15,618. On the other hand, those patients who managed to avoid readmission faced slightly lower expenses, totaling $11,845.

There are three main factors that contribute to the increased costs faced by individuals dealing with heart disease. Firstly, having multiple diseases simultaneously increases the financial burden. Additionally, invasive procedures that may be required for treatment can significantly add to the overall expense. Finally, readmissions for further treatment of heart disease or related symptoms also contribute to the mounting costs.

It is clear from these findings that the cost of heart disease treatment in any cardiovascular health clinic is substantial and needs to be carefully managed to alleviate the burden on both patients and our healthcare system.

  • Having comorbidities raises the overall expenses associated with heart disease

Heart disease patients commonly experience additional health issues that contribute to higher healthcare costs due to the need for additional services. A study has found that pulmonary circulatory disorder, valvular heart disease, and bleeding are some of the diseases associated with increased healthcare expenses.

  • Treating heart disease through invasive procedures

Controlling heart disease can be a complicated task that often leads to the need for invasive procedures. A recent study reveals that approximately 12.6% of patients admitted to the hospital had to undergo diagnostic procedures or treatments that required invasive methods.

The expenses incurred by these patients amounted to an average of $10,995. However, the cost rose significantly for individuals requiring circulatory support, such as intra-aortic balloon pump, LV assist device, or heart transplants, reaching a staggering $293,575.

These astronomical costs pose a significant burden for most patients, who are unable to afford such treatments out of their own pockets. In addition to grappling with health concerns, patients already experience additional stress as they navigate frequent doctor visits and adjust to a new way of life. The exorbitant costs associated with treating heart diseases exacerbate this predicament further.

  • Treatments for additional problems resulting in hospital readmissions

The likelihood of readmission is high among patients with heart disease, as it is a multifaceted problem. Other symptoms can lead to patients being readmitted, depending on the seriousness of their condition and the choices they make in their daily routines.

The expenses associated with caring for individuals with heart disease are apparent. If we do not prioritize efforts to decrease the chances of heart disease in our patients, these financial burdens will persist and impact both our patients and the entire healthcare system. Therefore, it is crucial that we offer assistance, allocate resources, and implement early detection measures.

Let’s see how we can effectively mitigate the occurrence of cardiac ailments among our patient population.

By lessening the possibility of heart disease, one can effectively decrease the expenses associated with this ailment.

In order to prioritize the prevention of heart disease in patients, we propose a shift from excessive emphasis on its treatment. Our objective is to enable individuals to lead a prolonged and vigorous life. This can be achieved by offering guidance on adopting health-conscious lifestyle choices and conducting early detection diagnostic tests, thereby empowering people to make informed decisions about their well-being. 

Recommendations for a comprehensive lifestyle change comprise the following:

  • Refraining from smoking
  • Engaging in physical activities for 30-60 minutes to elevate the heart rate
  • Consuming a diet that promotes cardiovascular health
  • Ensuring adequate sleep
  • Sustaining a healthy body weight
  • Effectively managing stress levels
  • Undergoing routine health screenings

By employing various practical approaches, we can collaborate with our patients to diminish their susceptibility to heart disease. This endeavor will not only contribute to the enhancement of their general well-being but also alleviate the financial burdens associated with diabetes treatment, thereby gradually alleviating the strain on our healthcare system caused by diabetes.

Partner with Advanced Cardiovascular Center to reduce heart disease

Through early detection of heart disease and heart failure, Advanced Cardiovascular Center is dedicated to saving lives. It is known that we can begin to eliminate the need for costly heart disease treatment if we can detect early warning signs of heart disease.

Our center is equipped with highly experienced cardiovascular specialists to ensure that our patients receive the highest quality care.

Let’s help our patients avoid the trouble and instead choose a healthy lifestyle right now and be part of the solution, so we can prevent heart ailments. After all, we believe that the more the patients take control of their lifestyle, the more they will improve their heart health.